Moving through fear
Moving through fear
Fear is a hard thing to move past, it sticks to you slowing you down as you move. It begins to invade your thoughts, your actions and dictates your decisions. You may start to be more bitter, or harsh to others around you that seem to not have this same fear. It is the silent killer of happiness, joy, sometimes even love. One day you wake up, you feel drained, exhausted even though you slept 8 hours that night, even though you've done things that helped you feel a little bit of peace. You're exhausted because you are continuously running from your fear, instead of confronting it, feeling it. Because you are afraid, that if you allow yourself to feel one inch of this grand fear you feel, it will swallow you up whole without any notice.
You stick to the sidelines in your life, playing it off as if you are happy to be the one without the attention, the one who isn't heard. Even though you don't acknowledge this fear, it still envelopes you and dictates everything you do. By not acknowledging it you are giving it more power, the power it needs to swallow you whole.
You do not deserve to be consumed by fear, by nature you know you are not fear and fear is not you, it is just an emotion, a word. It has no power unless you let it.
I've watched fear turn the most beautiful people into shells of themselves.
Fear of being rejected
fear of being misunderstood
fear of never being loved
fear of being abandoned
The list goes on and on, it gets to the point that it takes over every little bit of joy in your life that you feel this overwhelming intensity of sadness for what you wanted it to be compared to what you let fear make it.
Coming out of a fearful mindset is just as hard, it takes a lot of work. Analyzing your fears, your triggers and how it has affected you and stopped you from reaching your goals. You have to get really real with yourself to the point where you are raw and naked, but once you do let go of what is stopping you and start living your life the way you always wanted, it gets so much better. Of course in the beginning there are going to be challenges, there is always going to be challenges but by dealing with that fear and allowing your support system to support you, you are giving yourself permission to let go of what's been holding you back and start diving headfirst into loving your life again.
The point of all this is to let you know that you are not alone in the fear you feel. You are not alone in the sadness and emptiness you feel. You are not alone even if you feel you don't have the support you need, life has a way of bringing people into your life when you need them the most.
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